On feminism, anti-racism and our inner work

Since June, when I last posted here – a response to the Black Lives Matter protests – I have hesitated to write anything publicly. Each time I’ve considered writing something, I’ve wondered if all I’m doing is simply adding my voice to a sea of woke white people and white-led organisations offering statements of solidarity … Read more

White Privilege: Overcoming Denial, Silence and Shame

A few years ago I attended an intensive, 6 day course with around 70 people from the UK and other European countries, examining world issues together using process-oriented psychology methods. In a series of group exercises we embodied the different roles that we feel within ourselves and that are present in our societies; spoke and … Read more

Care as a Political Act

Many of us are aware of the Audre Lorde quote: ‘Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.’ What does this mean, in principle and practice? This question, expressed in multiple ways, was being explored at this year’s online Healing Solidarity Conference, hosted by Mary Ann … Read more

Compassion, Inclusion, Resilience – New Workshops, and New Website!

There have been some new and exciting developments with my work in recent weeks, and I’m thrilled to share some updates with you – on my new website, a self-care and resilience workshop I ran for mental health volunteers, and another workshop I co-facilitated at AidEx in Brussels, on compassionate and inclusive leadership. Firstly, if … Read more